Thursday, June 9, 2011

In case you've been wondering what I've been up to....

I haven't been posting too much but let me tell ya, I've been busy! Here is some of my recent work within this last month.

TRAM (members of Animals As Leaders, The Mars Volta and Suicidal Tendencies)


ALL SHALL PERISH for Purgatoria clothing!


ALL SHALL PERISH @ The House of Blues Hollywood

ALL SHALL PERISH @ The House of Blues Hollywood

ALL SHALL PERISH @ The House of Blues Hollywood

ANIMALS AS LEADERS @ The House of Blues Hollywood

Finally did another shoot with my gold ol friend Rachele!

I have a few shoots coming up as well as a photobooth TOMORROW for the Keeping It Classy Adult Prom! Way excited. I also did a merch line photoshoot for BLKHEART GROUP so I'll probably post some of those as well so Keep your eyes open!

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